I did not do my usual - "If it moved, photograph it" this time around.
Only took a few photos. I was "knackered" going both ways.
My run, although I completed the 42km, I did not make the 6hr 30min cut-off.
My run, although I completed the 42km, I did not make the 6hr 30min cut-off.
I got to the top with one minute to spare in 3hr 44min.
I rested for 5mins, then started the downward journey.
I just went "backwards", and could only finish in 7hr 03min.
Definitely not enough training!
Nevertheless, the distance is in my Diary. He He!
My ex-Jockey friend, Patrick Wynne on his first 21km, came 2nd in 1hr 46min.
He came past so fast, I could not "get the shot".
Noel did 2hr 14min on minimal training.
Claire Harms (Patrick's friend), ran 2hr 19min. She was pleased.
We were all "Eina" on Sunday morning.
We all stayed at Elands Valley Resort, near Drakensberg Gardens.
(Click any pic to enlarge)
This is a true thought during the last 12km of the 42km Sani Stagger.
"I knew I was having a bad run, when I saw them collecting the waste bins and the km marker signs during the last 12km, before I had even got there."
Posted by Barry
Eya Barry :) Couldn't miss you in a mile you wearing those yellows. Got some more pics of you on the mountain here: http://www.underbergdiary.co.za/Articles/Underberg_Events_Past_Events_Sani_Stagger_2012.htm